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Bernie Sanders goes ‘hope and change’ in closing ad featuring thousands of inspired supporters

Bernie Sanders goes ‘hope and change’ in closing ad featuring thousands of inspired supporters:

This from the WASHINGTON POST reporter John Wagner:

There are images of Iowa farms, the New Hampshire seacoast, coffee shops, kitchen tables and thousands and thousands of inspired Bernie Sanders supporters, in intimate settings and at the large-scale rallies that have come to define his campaign.

The new 60-second television spot reaches it’s crescendo as Simon & Garfunkel sing “they’ve all come to look for America” while an expanding grid of people who’ve all come to see Sanders flashes on the screen.

The Vermont senator has produced a powerful closing ad that evokes President Obama’s promise of hope-and-change from 2008 — and it’s one that’s certain to create buzz less than two weeks before the first votes are cast in the 2016 Democratic race against Hillary Clinton.

This is going to be an amazing election..
Imagine a year ago predicting Donald Trump being the most likely candidate.. imagine a year ago the chances of Sanders instead of Clinton..

Picture a general election of Trump vs Sanders!? 
Ratings extravaganza.. TV for the ages.. debates with meaning..

It surely will be an amazing year.

Or .. powers that be will plug away and voting machines will give us the other likely inevitable..

Iowa First. 
New Hampshire Next.
Revolution to Follow.

Bernie Sanders goes ‘hope and change’ in closing ad featuring thousands of inspired supporters Bernie Sanders goes ‘hope and change’ in closing ad featuring thousands
of inspired supporters Reviewed by Bryan on 10:22:00 AM Rating: 5

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