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About Bryan

10614182_10205444323933823_3747433337741125113_nBryan Smolock is the author of text and news editor of HorrorReport.com and NightTerrorNews.com.

He lives in eastern Pennsylvania and has a number of full time jobs.

By day, Bryan is employed as an investigator. At night, he does investigation work of another nature, exploring the mysteries of the world and constantly attempting to logically explain the things that scares him the most--often without success.

However, the most important job he holds is that of a father to an amazing and bright soul named Ayden. He shares that duty with his wife, a wonderful woman named Tara.

The family owns a mutt named Mutley the Dog. Mutley sees shadows and barks. But then sleeps.

About Bryan About Bryan Reviewed by Bryan on 5:50:00 AM Rating: 5

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