Perhaps those people who lurk in the shadow of our existence have an impact, more so than we appreciate in our lives.
Last night, my dream wasn't that of terror, but one more of mystery. I was highly involved with all of the background players in my own life. People who I do not have any day to day speaking roles with were highly visible in my dream. Even more, I was shopping at one point with one of them in a Turkey Hill. In another for instance, a girl who I see but don't always interact with was falling asleep on my couch and I was taking her glasses off to keep them in a safe place.
As with any dream, there may be no logic to this. But the interesting part of the night vision was the fact that there were no people in it who have central roles in my life. No boss, no wife. No son, no parent. No dog. Nadda.
Instead, it was just filled with all of the people who I see roaming around the planet earth in the peripheral of my vision.
Does that mean anything? Is there a message in this, or just the brain trying to place the scattered images in the right file? Perhaps mental confusion as to who is who. Maybe their faces represented people who are close to me, and my mind was simply trying assimilate my passion for some people with faces that are just blipping through the brain?
That or this: Maybe those background people mean something more.
Think of how many times we enter a busy restaurant and we focus in on the conversation we are having. Every now and then, one word from across the room pops up and you heard it, recognize it, and understand it. In a sense, you have an immediate awareness of that conversation, even though you have not been involved in it. And sometimes, your mind quickly compels you to recall everything they said even though you were not paying attention to it. You have been hearing it.. it's been going somewhere, and all of the clutter of words are being compartmentalized in your mind. That's amazing..
It is as amazing to me as those moments when an entire room filled with noise and commotion suddenly pauses their conversations all at once.. and the room goes silent, with people nervously looking at each other as to what just happened. Seconds later, the talking picks up again and the noise returns to the 'normal' level it was at.. those strange moments of decisive conversion stoppages seem almost paranormal or other-worldly.. One deep fear of mine is that when all of the talking ceases at once, the next noise we will hear is a nuclear bomb going off.
Maybe I read too much news.
Which is also noise at times..
I can make conclusion about the 'march of the background characters' last night, but I undecided as to which one of the two I want to pick. On one hand, these characters' faces and voices, as stated earlier, can simply be result of brain functions trying to figure out where to put those mental images from the day. On the other hand, it may mean that those background characters have been having an impact on my life in some way, whether direct or indirect, and my mind has perceived more truth than the 'awake' brain of the day.
Like electrons spinning around an atom's nucleus.
Marching in the nocturnal visions of a nobody on the earth.
Last night, my dream wasn't that of terror, but one more of mystery. I was highly involved with all of the background players in my own life. People who I do not have any day to day speaking roles with were highly visible in my dream. Even more, I was shopping at one point with one of them in a Turkey Hill. In another for instance, a girl who I see but don't always interact with was falling asleep on my couch and I was taking her glasses off to keep them in a safe place.
As with any dream, there may be no logic to this. But the interesting part of the night vision was the fact that there were no people in it who have central roles in my life. No boss, no wife. No son, no parent. No dog. Nadda.
Instead, it was just filled with all of the people who I see roaming around the planet earth in the peripheral of my vision.
Does that mean anything? Is there a message in this, or just the brain trying to place the scattered images in the right file? Perhaps mental confusion as to who is who. Maybe their faces represented people who are close to me, and my mind was simply trying assimilate my passion for some people with faces that are just blipping through the brain?
That or this: Maybe those background people mean something more.
It is as amazing to me as those moments when an entire room filled with noise and commotion suddenly pauses their conversations all at once.. and the room goes silent, with people nervously looking at each other as to what just happened. Seconds later, the talking picks up again and the noise returns to the 'normal' level it was at.. those strange moments of decisive conversion stoppages seem almost paranormal or other-worldly.. One deep fear of mine is that when all of the talking ceases at once, the next noise we will hear is a nuclear bomb going off.
Maybe I read too much news.
Which is also noise at times..
I can make conclusion about the 'march of the background characters' last night, but I undecided as to which one of the two I want to pick. On one hand, these characters' faces and voices, as stated earlier, can simply be result of brain functions trying to figure out where to put those mental images from the day. On the other hand, it may mean that those background characters have been having an impact on my life in some way, whether direct or indirect, and my mind has perceived more truth than the 'awake' brain of the day.
Like electrons spinning around an atom's nucleus.
Marching in the nocturnal visions of a nobody on the earth.
The nocturnal march of the background characters
Reviewed by Bryan
1:42:00 AM
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