Pope Francis has already commented that he believes the world is engaged with a third world war.. And now he went on further to condemn war as madness and say, "Even today, after the second failure of another world war, perhaps one can speak of a third war, one fought piecemeal, with crimes, massacres, destruction".. It can surely seem that Pope Francis has a point.. But there have always been conflicts coninciding with each other. The question this time: Will these many wars throughout the planet somehow combine into one large eternal flame of pain? Strange sights in the sky over earth-quake ridden San Francisco.. A streak of light going through the night sky Friday startled anyone who saw it.. Sure looks like a missile launch to me. Another beheading in the land of IS.. But the scenes! the sights! the sounds! The background.. Hmm.. This is starting to sure look familiar. Poll shows that Americans lack confidence in Obama.. The buzz continues over those weird "demonic Obama photos making their way around the web courtesy of the Drudge Report. But I still wonder if we saw a hologram.. United States man in North Korea given 6 years of hard labor.. World's first three dimensional printed car in Chicago! The future is coming fast.. the technology of printing cars and houses will change everything that hasn't been changed in generations. Statue of Amy Winehouse revealed! Rogue penises appear in bags of candy in New Zealand.. Ozone layer recovering.. | Apple is planning on changing the way you pay for everything Winter coming early!? Frost gripping the East! It actually felt quite cold last night at my home base.. the temperature dropped quickly after midnight and I saw my breath around 3am when my dog wake me to take him out.. Though no frost was on the ground, it sure seemed like a bone chilling night under a very bright moon.. This is bizarre .. Russians are dying off -- quickly. The story gets a bit odd, with people's deaths piling up due to falling, or perhaps jumping, off trains and out of windows; asphyxiating in country houses with faulty wood stoves or in apartments with jammed front-door locks; getting hit by cars that sped through quiet courtyards or plowed down groups of people on a sidewalk; drowning as a result of diving drunk into a lake or ignoring sea-storm warnings or for no apparent reason; poisoning themselves with too much alcohol, counterfeit alcohol, alcohol substitutes, or drugs; and, finally, dropping dead at absurdly early ages from heart attacks and strokes... A good read.. it goes on further.. What it costs to be a tourist in the United States.. One school rejects Nicki Minaj, another wants her.. David Cronenberg says: "My imagination is not a place of horror" SPACEX wants to have a city on Mars. And we should.. instead of developing weapons of war and killing fellow humans, we actually should have been well on our way to leaving this solar system by now.. |
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