For weeks, SUICIDE SQUAD Joker Jared Leto has been hinting as to how his version of the Clown Prince of Crime will look..
Tonight director David Ayer released the official LETO full makeup JOKER on Twitter..
Debate has ensued as to which JOKER is best.. Nicholson rates high. Ledger scores well.. even Romero is on the map.. Hammil’s voice too.
Two camps have seemingly developed on the character and role.. One who loves it. The other who questions ..
I am joining the less popular but more practical third camp: The group that will just anxiously wait in anticipation to see if LETO can become the arch villain that Gotham City needs..
Is Jared Leto's Joker an arch villain that the city needs?
Reviewed by Bryan
3:35:00 PM
See how he does in the movie.