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"Shadows and dangers"

Pope sees 'shadows and dangers' amid Vatican attack fears »

Yesterday on NIGHT TERROR NEWS, I wrote a bit about the troubling ‘prophecies of the Pope’ that litter my mind. The news of this “shadows and dangers” comment provides even more fodder for the paranoid mind, the haunting images of a Pope standing overtop of his people during a final battle or perhaps even on being the last in a series prophetized by St. Malachy so many centuries ago..

This from the AP:
Iraq’s ambassador to the Holy See, Habib Al Sadr, at the time warned that “what has been declared by the self-declared Islamic State is clear. They want to kill the Pope. The threats against the Pope are credible.”

But are the prophetic words of Malachy, Pope Pius, and Nostradamus as credible as the threats?
"Shadows and dangers" "Shadows and dangers" Reviewed by Bryan on 8:17:00 AM Rating: 5


  1. […] NEWS has published articles relating to these vague threats previously, one here called ‘shadows and dangers‘ and another about the ‘paranoid prophecies of the Pope‘ ..  each story […]

  2. […] NEWS has published articles relating to these vague threats previously, one here called ‘shadows and dangers‘ and another about the ‘paranoid prophecies of the Pope‘ ..  each story […]


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