A wrap of the crap.. some things making news today..
I think this is great!
And just one step closer to merging man with machine..
Just imagine what life will be like in the future. School will be obsolete when Google is just one inner thought away!
x x x
Some names are revealed by OPEN SECRETS, such as Ben Savage and even Aianna’s ex Michael Huffington.. The Amy Berg documentary may shock some, shatter others, and for the handful who already knew of the disturbing underworld of Hollywood, only reinforce the reasons that Tinseltown is hated..
Lets not forget that Berg comes with street cred: She was right about the Catholic Church years prior to the vast amount of global citizens knowing it..
The jury is out. Innocence until proof of guilt is a command in this nation.. But sex cults and powerful elite taking advantage of innocent youths has been difficult to prove in the past merely because of the amount of power brokers who fight and kill to keep such thins secret..
There are purveyors of filth in Hollywood. But not of the on screen kind..
From the Showbiz411 report on the Berg documentary:
“She also tells the heartbreaking story of Mark Ryan, who was Egan’s friend. In their original lawsuit of years ago, in a deposition, Mark Ryan details his molestation at the hands of nefarious pedophile Marc Collins- Rector. But then he drinks and drugs himself into a brain damaged state and lands in a nursing home. Egan says he holds himself responsible for introducing Ryan to these people, as well as Singer, et al.”
Lifestyles of the rich and famous, indeed..
x x x
This seems tragic.
Meanwhile all we care about is a lousy T-shirt (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/space/11231320/Rosetta-mission-scientist-Dr-Matt-Taylor-cries-during-apology-over-offensive-shirt.html)
x x x
That is hefty..
PA’s patchwork budget contributes to projected $1.85B shortfall…
x x x

This is a little creepy on one hand and awful on another..
There is a village in Jakarta where the masked monkeys prevail..
It’s known as the monkey village..Their plight is wretched.. and then they are forced to wear the creepiest masks I have ever seen..
x x x
I have some differing internal opinions on this school of thought..
But it also touches on something I have been fearful of since my Catholic school grade school upbringing.. The frightening and paranormal prospect that if a demon convinces you to end your own life the devil steals your soul.
I have come to hope that if a God exists he would not be that mean as to allow satan to take us away in such a horrible manner..
But that grade school thought process, drilled into my mind those Carmelite nuns…
x x x
Perfecting the mind: ‘Smart pill’ unlocks childlike state of learning in adults »
I think this is great!
And just one step closer to merging man with machine..
Just imagine what life will be like in the future. School will be obsolete when Google is just one inner thought away!
x x x
Shock Doc About Sexual Molestation in Hollywood Tries the Bryan Singer Case, Implicates Others– Much Worse Than Previously Described »
Some names are revealed by OPEN SECRETS, such as Ben Savage and even Aianna’s ex Michael Huffington.. The Amy Berg documentary may shock some, shatter others, and for the handful who already knew of the disturbing underworld of Hollywood, only reinforce the reasons that Tinseltown is hated..
Lets not forget that Berg comes with street cred: She was right about the Catholic Church years prior to the vast amount of global citizens knowing it..
The jury is out. Innocence until proof of guilt is a command in this nation.. But sex cults and powerful elite taking advantage of innocent youths has been difficult to prove in the past merely because of the amount of power brokers who fight and kill to keep such thins secret..
There are purveyors of filth in Hollywood. But not of the on screen kind..
From the Showbiz411 report on the Berg documentary:
“She also tells the heartbreaking story of Mark Ryan, who was Egan’s friend. In their original lawsuit of years ago, in a deposition, Mark Ryan details his molestation at the hands of nefarious pedophile Marc Collins- Rector. But then he drinks and drugs himself into a brain damaged state and lands in a nursing home. Egan says he holds himself responsible for introducing Ryan to these people, as well as Singer, et al.”
Lifestyles of the rich and famous, indeed..
x x x
Rosetta probe may hold clues to life on Earth...but scientists cannot get to them »
This seems tragic.
Meanwhile all we care about is a lousy T-shirt (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/space/11231320/Rosetta-mission-scientist-Dr-Matt-Taylor-cries-during-apology-over-offensive-shirt.html)
x x x
Cost of Frein Manhunt: $11Million »
That is hefty..
PA’s patchwork budget contributes to projected $1.85B shortfall…
x x x
This is a little creepy on one hand and awful on another..
There is a village in Jakarta where the masked monkeys prevail..
It’s known as the monkey village..Their plight is wretched.. and then they are forced to wear the creepiest masks I have ever seen..
x x x
Colombian Archbishop Turns to Exorcism to Combat Suicide Increase »
I have some differing internal opinions on this school of thought..
But it also touches on something I have been fearful of since my Catholic school grade school upbringing.. The frightening and paranormal prospect that if a demon convinces you to end your own life the devil steals your soul.
I have come to hope that if a God exists he would not be that mean as to allow satan to take us away in such a horrible manner..
But that grade school thought process, drilled into my mind those Carmelite nuns…
x x x
Saturday night's main events
Reviewed by Bryan
3:30:00 PM
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