History made: A European Space Agency’s Rosetta mission successfully placed a small spacecraft on the surface of a speeding comet on Wednesday..From Russia, with cold shoulders: Tension between Putin and Obama in Beijing.. Gum chewing "rapper" Obama angers China.. Putin flirts with China's flirt lady as Chinese censors not amused..11 women in India die after botched sterilizations.. The women were set to undergo the procedure to control population at a government run camp.. Eugenics. What could go wrong!?Since we're no the subject: 19 times as many women are sterilized by the Indian government as are males. Good food for thought..<br While a probe did not land on Kim Kardashian, her nude rear end and full frontal did blow up the Internet..Large quake rattles Kansas and Oklahoma..Arkansas too..AR2192, the biggest sunspot in a long time, back again.. Looking even worse..There are expectations that when it is back in the view of planet Earth, solar activity and solar flare activity could uptick sharply..National Mall mayhem: EMINEM shouts "happy f&*(^ing Veterans Day" and more than a dozen other F bombs at the 'Concert for Valor'..A pill to make you smart? Scientists' breakthrough in unlocking the brain's potential by returning it to child-like state.. Is this a photo of a ghost in a schoolhouse in the UK? This is creepy.. disturbing.. you name it, it is it. A woman bought a fairy wand for her daughter at a dollar store.. the image on the wand was a demonic girl slitting her wrist..Radiation from Fukushima off the coast of California.. but the media tells us not to worry. Yet.The rise of exorcisms..A new report says that a type of dementia may have contributed to Robin Williams' suicide..Attention? Ghost hunter stabs himself in home where people died in 1912..
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