Days ago officials counted over 700 dead as a result of an oppressive heat wave in India.. Today those numbers have risen: 1,118 are not considered victims..
The worst-hit area is the southeastern state of Andhra Pradesh, where authorities say more than 550 people have died in the last four to five days. Another 215 have died in the neighboring state of Telangana..
Temperatures have risen to 117 or more in some locations..The poor are the most affected, along with those are are working in outside conditions..
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Noah Seelam—AFP/Getty Images[/caption]
“Elderly people, laborers, beggars and people living on the streets are worst hit,” K.E. Krishna Murthy, revenue minister in neighboring Andhra Pradesh, told the INDIAN EXPRESS..
The worst-hit area is the southeastern state of Andhra Pradesh, where authorities say more than 550 people have died in the last four to five days. Another 215 have died in the neighboring state of Telangana..
Temperatures have risen to 117 or more in some locations..The poor are the most affected, along with those are are working in outside conditions..
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“Elderly people, laborers, beggars and people living on the streets are worst hit,” K.E. Krishna Murthy, revenue minister in neighboring Andhra Pradesh, told the INDIAN EXPRESS..
Reviewed by Bryan
6:20:00 AM
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