Art Bell’s words speak volumes:
I have some very sad news to report, barring some sort of miracle there will be NO Dark Matter Radio show. Here is why: I will be unable to use ANY Bumper music, I will be unable to use any Theme music. The cost of using even the small amount that I use in my show stops us cold. Both Keith and I have talked this to death and there is no way around it.
Yes I could do the show with no music but I will not because it was part of the very soul of my show as any of my former listener’s know. I feel like crying to be honest with you. Keith and me along with others have poured time and money into this effort. I was about to spend $20,000.00 on just the Studio here in Pahrump. We had also cleared free streaming just as I had promised. The ..bottom line is that the music Industry has in my opinion shot themselves in the foot by making it impossible for anybody in my position to stream or provide any copyrighted music on the Web. That is why nobody, even Rush will do it. I am so sorry. If anything changes I will be right back on it. Just sad.
The BELLGAB thread is lightning up..
Another message posted:
It warms my heart for some of you to be saying you do not care but for me it was a major part of the energy for me and I think the listener as well, I picked bumper music like others might pick a fine wine for a special dinner, it was part and I think a major part of the magic.
The comments thread on Art Bell’s Facebook page is alive as well, even with some offering their personal assistance, advice, and monetary help.. It remains to be seen if Bell will respond to the numerous fans who undoubtedly will give their blood sweat and tears to hear another broadcast this summer..
Bell responded to several Facebook posts both critical and lamenting his seemingly early demise on online podcasting:
And then this:

It’s so hard being an Art Bell fan..
Art Bell resigning the night? Without his bumper music, his show WILL
NOT go on
Reviewed by Bryan
11:41:00 AM
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