The aftermath of the SONY hack is getting worse.. Not only is the company reeling from the incredible loss of trust that actors and big money players have in the company, but now the film that caused this furor is being affected. The North Korea comedy THE INTERVIEW was the reason that the Guardians of Peace hacked in the first place--presumably on behalf of the Communist nation. Today it was revealed that the GOP is threatening theaters that show the film, issuing a vague and unspecific threat to 'remember' September 11, an allusion perhaps to some type of terror threat..
Now some are nervous..
CARMIKE is one of those cinema houses dropping THE INTERVIEW as a direct result of the mass hysteria the newest GOP warning is getting across the United States and the world of Tinseltown..
Carmike is dropping the movie because of the new GOP threats--The Hollywood REPORTER tonight is relaying information to readers that SONY said they would support the theaters in whatever decision they made on the matter..
Carmike operates 278 theaters, 2917 screens, and is present in 41 states..
The prospect of more theaters dropping THE INTERVIEW now is on the table. Carmike is a player in the movie world.. While SONY is not withdrawing the film, the company is now telling theaters that they do not have to show THE INTERVIEW ..
The Guardians of Peace promised a "Christmas gift" to Sony..
Originally most thought more hacked documents and emails would be published.. Few expected the direct September 11th reference to be made.. But along with the threat of violence, a burst of 12,000 more documents. According to media reports on the newest events today, Sony CEO Michael Lynton's email inbox has been released for all to see. The HOLLYWOOD REPORTER says,

James Franco and Seth Rogen have canceled all press appearances in light of the threat being made today..
Sources Tuesday night within federal law enforcement indicates that they are close to determining the source of the hack..While no official proclamation of that has been made by any reliable persons in public, those sources are chatting with news reporters. Washington whispers..
The aftermath of the SONY hack is getting worse.. Not only is the company reeling from the incredible loss of trust that actors and big money players have in the company, but now the film that caused this furor is being affected. The North Korea comedy THE INTERVIEW was the reason that the Guardians of Peace hacked in the first place--presumably on behalf of the Communist nation. Today it was revealed that the GOP is threatening theaters that show the film, issuing a vague and unspecific threat to 'remember' September 11, an allusion perhaps to some type of terror threat..
Now some are nervous..
CARMIKE is one of those cinema houses dropping THE INTERVIEW as a direct result of the mass hysteria the newest GOP warning is getting across the United States and the world of Tinseltown..
Carmike is dropping the movie because of the new GOP threats--The Hollywood REPORTER tonight is relaying information to readers that SONY said they would support the theaters in whatever decision they made on the matter..
Carmike operates 278 theaters, 2917 screens, and is present in 41 states..
The prospect of more theaters dropping THE INTERVIEW now is on the table. Carmike is a player in the movie world.. While SONY is not withdrawing the film, the company is now telling theaters that they do not have to show THE INTERVIEW ..
The Guardians of Peace promised a "Christmas gift" to Sony..
Originally most thought more hacked documents and emails would be published.. Few expected the direct September 11th reference to be made.. But along with the threat of violence, a burst of 12,000 more documents. According to media reports on the newest events today, Sony CEO Michael Lynton's email inbox has been released for all to see. The HOLLYWOOD REPORTER says,
Lynton's email account contains 12,466 messages, which presumably includes deleted messages, dating from Nov. 12, 2008, to Nov. 21, 2014, three days before the hack was first noticed by the studio.
The dispatch also marks the first time that the GOP hackers have cited the film The Interview by name when releasing Sony documents.

James Franco and Seth Rogen have canceled all press appearances in light of the threat being made today..
Sources Tuesday night within federal law enforcement indicates that they are close to determining the source of the hack..While no official proclamation of that has been made by any reliable persons in public, those sources are chatting with news reporters. Washington whispers..
Reviewed by Bryan
3:11:00 PM
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