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As though you needed any other reasons to think Facebook was...

As though you needed any other reasons to think Facebook was creepy..

Last night my wife and I were at the dentist, we also took it son Ayden to get accustomed to the bi-yearly oral traditions our society emphasizes we do..

While there a discussion ensued about my wife’s remaining wisdom teeth and the pot still necessity to get them out .. The doctor told us some people argue against removing but he thought she should..

And then today, the screen shot you’re seeing with this sponsored post, pops up on my Facebook page.

Do not doubt those who say your phone hears your. Don’t take off your tin foil hat if you already know it does.

Yes indeed.. Your clocks are tracked. And your conversations just may be too..

Next time I’ll leave the phone in the waiting room to ensure my smart device also doesn’t violate HIPAA RIGHTS..

As though you needed any other reasons to think Facebook was... As though you needed any other reasons to think Facebook was... Reviewed by Bryan on 8:09:00 AM Rating: 5

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