Scientists, when they actually talk about it, dismiss it all.. They use reason and logic to say most of these rumors are false..
The website ALL NEWS PIPELINE has been a mainstay in the conspiracy world online for years.. I read it with interest. I take it all with massive grains of salt but often sprinkle on some pepper to ignite my imagination.
November 20, there was a report on the site again talking about this Inuit rumor that the planet has shifted.. After offering up information on weather and showcasing PDFs of letters to Congress, the site asks:
What are they hiding? There are a variety of theories, includingHAARP and the geoengineering and weather manipulation causing the atmospheric chaos being seen today. Some believe we are feeling the effects of the much-talked about Planet X. There is also the IduitElder warning of the “Earth shifting,” which in light of reports that came pouring in to the ANP comment section yesterday on this article, has many wondering if we are witnessing a magnetic pole shift could be the real culprit behind climate change and if this is the real reason for the government gag orders, the secrecy, and the refusal to provide Congress with the data they have issued a subpoena for.
ALL NEWS PIPELINE is a bit tough to read. Old style HTML coupled with lots of exclamation points and words..
But the gist is clear: The Earth’s position has changed, they say..
I read with MORE interest, the comments section. Such as this comment from someone named June:
Since the late 1990’s, myself and others have noticed that the Sun has shifted into it’s Fall position before it should.
This past summer, the Sun shifted into the Fall position on August 3. This is not normal. So it is not the Sun that is shifting, it is the earth. I’ve read that the magnetic north pole has moved. And since it has, so has the magnetic south pole. I live in NE Ohio, right below Lake Erie
Someone else said,
Sometimes I look up and wonder if I’m on the same planet. Looks like alien skies. It’s amazing and disturbing because I know it’s not supposed to look like that.
A user named JJ offered up reason:
My husband is a logger and I used his compass. Here in south Kentucky, north is north if I can trust this compass
I started paying attention to this whole earth shift rumor about four years ago.
Just a year ago, when I talked about the earth shift again on this website, I received an interesting comment from someone on the post.
There is a ton of information to consider, sift through.. but compel reason in your mind before just buying into climate conspiracy craziness or lunar lunacy.
And with that said, I will only offer up this last thing.
I have noticed some oddities, too.
Some strange … skies.
Over the past several years I have noticed what, well I just can’t describe it really, a certain shift in where the sun in the sky was compared to where it is now. And not just the seasonal changes the sun takes on.. I have some photographs taken this exact time of year in the past. When I see where the sunset was then compared to where it’s setting now, the exact date years later, it’s different. This summer, I noted a part of my house got sunlight that never quite had sunlight in the past.
Am I going crazy? Is this all really happening? I had thought my tin foil hat was secure, but perhaps some loosening has occurred on the skull grip over the past few years..
SOS to the Inuits.. were you right?
The big wobble or the load of bunk?
Reviewed by Bryan
9:15:00 PM
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