AS though the news of the world wasn't freaky enough, Pope Francis is adding fodder to the already mighty load of end times porn that has overloaded our society from all religious perspectives.. From a report November 15 (I missed it until now), this information:
This year has seen a plethora of information concerning the Pope and threats to the Vatican from ISIS terrorists.. Since the French horror last week, the United States State Department has issued a warning to Americans to stay away from the Vatican.. From that report:
If we make it through December we'll be (hopefully) fine..
I think.
This end of the world talk.. well, we have heard it before for sure. Countless times after all..
And each time a religious figure pointed out that "Jesus may come today," it was tomorrow..
The earth has been through very ghastly days before.
People have faced down villains of dramatic proportions.
It would seem that those days are again coming.
Ignoring religious connotations, I will only say this: It would appear there is something strange in the air of late.. Something that seems foreboding. I have felt this tingle since the late summer. Back then, September was rumored to be the 'end times' for the planet. Then, I highly dismissed those claims and wrote articles on here protesting the very inclusion with such rumors into your lives.
But since that time, things have increasingly become more tense.
Chinese vs US.. Russia vs US.. Russia vs ISIS.. ISIS vs rebels.. Rebels vs Assad. China vs ISIS.. Saudis vs Assad. US vs... ?
The plotline is written.. the table is set. The deck chairs feel arranged.
And yes, it would seem like the chess game of world war is being played. Pawns in a larger picture are now picked and we are just moved away from ... what?
One more time.
If we make it through December we'll be (hopefully) fine..
[caption id="attachment_2997" align="alignnone" width="669"]
Pope Francis admires the dome of the Cathedral Santa Maria del Fiore during his visit to Florence, Italy, Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2015. The pope earlier denounced the "cancer" of abusive labor practices during a visit Tuesday to the Italian industrial city of Prato, near Florence, where a 2013 garment factory fire killed seven Chinese workers. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)[/caption]
Francis unequivocally recognized the Islamist ideology behind the attacks, denouncing the use of God’s name to justify the brutal attacks as “blasphemy.”
Commenting on Sunday’s Scripture readings, the Pope said that Jesus’ preaching about the end of the world contains “apocalyptic elements, like war, famine, and cosmic catastrophes.”
“In those days,” Francis repeated, “the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will be falling from the sky, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken.”
This year has seen a plethora of information concerning the Pope and threats to the Vatican from ISIS terrorists.. Since the French horror last week, the United States State Department has issued a warning to Americans to stay away from the Vatican.. From that report:
The November 18 notice is billed as a “Security Message for U.S. Citizens” regarding a potential for terrorist attacks, and arrived punctually into the email boxes of all Americans registered with the embassy, including that of Breitbart News.
Along with the Vatican, the State Department singles out the Duomo (cathedral) and La Scala opera house in Milan. It goes on to note that general venues “such as churches, synagogues, restaurants, theatres, and hotels” in both Rome and Milan are possible targets as well.
The embassy notice says: “Terrorist groups may possibly utilize similar methods used in the recent Paris attacks,” meaning bombs and assault rifles.
If we make it through December we'll be (hopefully) fine..
I think.
This end of the world talk.. well, we have heard it before for sure. Countless times after all..
And each time a religious figure pointed out that "Jesus may come today," it was tomorrow..
The earth has been through very ghastly days before.
People have faced down villains of dramatic proportions.
It would seem that those days are again coming.
Ignoring religious connotations, I will only say this: It would appear there is something strange in the air of late.. Something that seems foreboding. I have felt this tingle since the late summer. Back then, September was rumored to be the 'end times' for the planet. Then, I highly dismissed those claims and wrote articles on here protesting the very inclusion with such rumors into your lives.
But since that time, things have increasingly become more tense.
Chinese vs US.. Russia vs US.. Russia vs ISIS.. ISIS vs rebels.. Rebels vs Assad. China vs ISIS.. Saudis vs Assad. US vs... ?
The plotline is written.. the table is set. The deck chairs feel arranged.
And yes, it would seem like the chess game of world war is being played. Pawns in a larger picture are now picked and we are just moved away from ... what?
One more time.
If we make it through December we'll be (hopefully) fine..
[caption id="attachment_2997" align="alignnone" width="669"]

Reviewed by Bryan
10:08:00 AM
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