A early week news wrap .. on a scary week just beginning.

Expect the unexpected all week.. (Really all year) .. but during the Halloween mean season, all things are possible. Anything can happen. Be on the look out for spirits of the netherworld, Slendermen, witches, vampires, ghosts or goblins. Also in the mix: Real people doing really horrible things around the planet earth. If we can actually travel into space, we’d pervert that as well.
The final week of October. Halloween falls on a Friday this year. But not a Friday the 13th as that moronic online MEME has convinced some people of..Here is a snapshot of the things happening this Monday…as the week of the witch begins.
When Popes aren’t busy eating the hearts of innocent children, here’s some other things on the menu.. Now you know.
Canadian Parliament gunman recorded video message before attack that reveals it WAS a meticulously planned act of terror
I have seen warnings for years that the GULF STREAM was stopping. Now more warnings such as those old ones are back: But there’s some startling evidence that could suggest it is finally occurring. The colder than average area is the Northern Hemisphere has grown by 300% in two weeks. Then again.. it’s autumn. So …causation …correlation.. ? Be the judge yourself. Don’t just take every conspiracy theory as fact. Nature has a way of doing what it wants, when it wants. Even if Chemtrails try to stop that..
EX-CBS reporter Sharyl Attkinson is saying something we all should listen to: The government hacked her life..
New Jersey releases a nurse who was forcibly quarantined over Ebola fears.. She also sparked a nationwide debate now as to how to handle people, in a American way, people who are coming back from Ebola infected areas of Africa. What rights do they have? What civil liberties should we maintain? These are big questions.. and important ones, as well. But missing from the mix: The Executive Order signed by President Obama just this year that allows the government to take people who are suffering from respiratory or other disorders to prevent a nationwide infection. This is clearly a debate worth having.. but if something big and bad does break out, people will stop debating and expect the government to violate the diseased people’s civil liberties. Mark my words on that.
The debate that is taking place across America–how to respect the civil liberties of Ebola patients, or those that may be Ebola patients in 21 days–reminds me of the theme of the show TRUE BLOOD. No offense is meant to anyone suffering from EBOLA.. But the same theme somehow applies in my mind..
A few days ago there was hope that the ‘girls’ abducted in early 2014 in Nigeria would be freed. That did not happen. Today we learn that BOKO HARAM and extremists have captured 30 more boys and girls… Nigeria brags that they are Ebola free. But they are not free of horrors of modern brutality..
If you’re looking for something frightening to begin your Halloween week, here’s a listing of some HORROR MOVIES that you may have missed over the past decade.. Of everything IGN presents on their list of forgotten early 2000 horror, the tops I’d recommend is HOUSE OF THE DEVIL from 2009 CITADEL.
I have been following the search for the accused cop killer from Pennsylvania, Eric Frein, closely.. Mostly because the scenario is playing out less than 90 minutes from my own home base.. The latest from the state’s law enforcement arsenal: They are going to use a ‘blimp in a box’ to search for Frein. Not sure if they are purposely trying to remind us of Justin Timberlake singing “Dick in a Box” on Saturday Night Live a few years back, but it did it for me.. But this blimp in a box is no joke, it’s a helium balloon equipped with cameras. In other words: A drone.. but ‘blimp in a box’ apparently has a much better ring to it.

Megan Fox is still making the rounds for TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES, perhaps racking up more mileage than the Secretary of State.. Fox and her thumbs took the campaign for the movie to CHINA.. The way movies are marketed has changes so much over the past 14 years–the renewed attention on getting out the vote, in a sense, is amazing. The vote Hollywood wants is the international movie audience. So often the American audience does not matter. The real action is taking place in foreign box offices.. And that’s where Hollywood is going to be mostly marketing to. Expect a lot more stars and starlets to grace China’s fanciest hotels and theaters in coming years.
A WALKING DEAD episode last night turned weird.. IGN reviewed it saying the ‘post apocalyptic cookout turns awkward..

The ‘sexy Ebola nurse’ being called the most tasteless American Halloween costume by pundits across the pond.. I agree.. but I disagree on the notion that this, or even the hazmat suit, is a best selling costume this year.. I don’t think it is, and there is no evidence I have seen to suggest that implication is true..
The pre-Halloween week box office was filled with spirits and magic for a little horror flick .. $20 mil for OUIJA.. If you read my site over the weekend, you will remember I predicted $21 mil, more than the $18-19 mil range experts called for.. Call me the little prognosticator who could.
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Note to those who are prospective winners of the DARWIN award: This story should be a good piece of advice for your future travails..
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Yet the government if forcing New Jersey to release a nurse prior to the 21 day incubation period? Something doesn’t make sense here ..
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A lot of people really don’t like Sharyl Attkison—mostly because of the ‘two party’ nonsense fights that are we all mind-controlled into having. But if half of what she is saying in her new book is true, we should be very worried—the liberals who love Obama today need to fear the Republican of the future.. the Republicans who hate Obama need to realize this all started under George W. Bush.. We need a clear mind to debate politics.. And none of us have one—with the ones who do often being carried away in white coats into the political neverland that is obscurity..
This is how the NEW YORK POST frames the information:
There is more:
The three letter alphabet agencies. Pick your poison, I’d suppose..
Again, people should put their 20th century antiquated political beliefs behind us. Right vs left is so 2000 and late.
Expect the unexpected all week.. (Really all year) .. but during the Halloween mean season, all things are possible. Anything can happen. Be on the look out for spirits of the netherworld, Slendermen, witches, vampires, ghosts or goblins. Also in the mix: Real people doing really horrible things around the planet earth. If we can actually travel into space, we’d pervert that as well.
The final week of October. Halloween falls on a Friday this year. But not a Friday the 13th as that moronic online MEME has convinced some people of..Here is a snapshot of the things happening this Monday…as the week of the witch begins.
When Popes aren’t busy eating the hearts of innocent children, here’s some other things on the menu.. Now you know.
Canadian Parliament gunman recorded video message before attack that reveals it WAS a meticulously planned act of terror
I have seen warnings for years that the GULF STREAM was stopping. Now more warnings such as those old ones are back: But there’s some startling evidence that could suggest it is finally occurring. The colder than average area is the Northern Hemisphere has grown by 300% in two weeks. Then again.. it’s autumn. So …causation …correlation.. ? Be the judge yourself. Don’t just take every conspiracy theory as fact. Nature has a way of doing what it wants, when it wants. Even if Chemtrails try to stop that..
EX-CBS reporter Sharyl Attkinson is saying something we all should listen to: The government hacked her life..
New Jersey releases a nurse who was forcibly quarantined over Ebola fears.. She also sparked a nationwide debate now as to how to handle people, in a American way, people who are coming back from Ebola infected areas of Africa. What rights do they have? What civil liberties should we maintain? These are big questions.. and important ones, as well. But missing from the mix: The Executive Order signed by President Obama just this year that allows the government to take people who are suffering from respiratory or other disorders to prevent a nationwide infection. This is clearly a debate worth having.. but if something big and bad does break out, people will stop debating and expect the government to violate the diseased people’s civil liberties. Mark my words on that.
The debate that is taking place across America–how to respect the civil liberties of Ebola patients, or those that may be Ebola patients in 21 days–reminds me of the theme of the show TRUE BLOOD. No offense is meant to anyone suffering from EBOLA.. But the same theme somehow applies in my mind..
A few days ago there was hope that the ‘girls’ abducted in early 2014 in Nigeria would be freed. That did not happen. Today we learn that BOKO HARAM and extremists have captured 30 more boys and girls… Nigeria brags that they are Ebola free. But they are not free of horrors of modern brutality..
If you’re looking for something frightening to begin your Halloween week, here’s a listing of some HORROR MOVIES that you may have missed over the past decade.. Of everything IGN presents on their list of forgotten early 2000 horror, the tops I’d recommend is HOUSE OF THE DEVIL from 2009 CITADEL.
I have been following the search for the accused cop killer from Pennsylvania, Eric Frein, closely.. Mostly because the scenario is playing out less than 90 minutes from my own home base.. The latest from the state’s law enforcement arsenal: They are going to use a ‘blimp in a box’ to search for Frein. Not sure if they are purposely trying to remind us of Justin Timberlake singing “Dick in a Box” on Saturday Night Live a few years back, but it did it for me.. But this blimp in a box is no joke, it’s a helium balloon equipped with cameras. In other words: A drone.. but ‘blimp in a box’ apparently has a much better ring to it.
Megan Fox is still making the rounds for TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES, perhaps racking up more mileage than the Secretary of State.. Fox and her thumbs took the campaign for the movie to CHINA.. The way movies are marketed has changes so much over the past 14 years–the renewed attention on getting out the vote, in a sense, is amazing. The vote Hollywood wants is the international movie audience. So often the American audience does not matter. The real action is taking place in foreign box offices.. And that’s where Hollywood is going to be mostly marketing to. Expect a lot more stars and starlets to grace China’s fanciest hotels and theaters in coming years.
A WALKING DEAD episode last night turned weird.. IGN reviewed it saying the ‘post apocalyptic cookout turns awkward..
The ‘sexy Ebola nurse’ being called the most tasteless American Halloween costume by pundits across the pond.. I agree.. but I disagree on the notion that this, or even the hazmat suit, is a best selling costume this year.. I don’t think it is, and there is no evidence I have seen to suggest that implication is true..
The pre-Halloween week box office was filled with spirits and magic for a little horror flick .. $20 mil for OUIJA.. If you read my site over the weekend, you will remember I predicted $21 mil, more than the $18-19 mil range experts called for.. Call me the little prognosticator who could.
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Car hits man dressed as zombie »
Police in Ottawa County are looking for the driver who hit a Muskegon man Saturday night. The accident happened shortly before 8:30 p.m. on Main near Cass in Nunica.
Investigators say Jeffrey Stiles, 45, of Muskegon was attending a Halloween party and decided to step outside to try and scare drivers with his zombie costume. While in the road, he was hit by a car. The driver of the car did not stop and was last seen going north on Main.
Note to those who are prospective winners of the DARWIN award: This story should be a good piece of advice for your future travails..
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Ebola outbreak: U.S. soldiers returning from Liberia placed in isolation in Italy »
Yet the government if forcing New Jersey to release a nurse prior to the 21 day incubation period? Something doesn’t make sense here ..
x x x
Ex-CBS reporter: Government-related entity bugged my computer »
A lot of people really don’t like Sharyl Attkison—mostly because of the ‘two party’ nonsense fights that are we all mind-controlled into having. But if half of what she is saying in her new book is true, we should be very worried—the liberals who love Obama today need to fear the Republican of the future.. the Republicans who hate Obama need to realize this all started under George W. Bush.. We need a clear mind to debate politics.. And none of us have one—with the ones who do often being carried away in white coats into the political neverland that is obscurity..
This is how the NEW YORK POST frames the information:
“This is outrageous. Worse than anything Nixon ever did. I wouldn’t have believed something like this could happen in the United States of America,” Attkisson quotes the source saying.
She speculates that the motive was to lay the groundwork for possible charges against her or her sources.
Attkisson says the source, who’s “connected to government three-letter agencies,” told her the computer was hacked into by “a sophisticated entity that used commercial, nonattributable spyware that’s proprietary to a government agency: either the CIA, FBI, the Defense Intelligence Agency or the National Security Agency.”
The breach was accomplished through an “otherwise innocuous e-mail” that Attkisson says she got in February 2012, then twice “redone” and “refreshed” through a satellite hookup and a Wi-Fi connection at a Ritz-Carlton hotel.
The spyware included programs that Attkisson says monitored her every keystroke and gave the snoops access to all her e-mails and the passwords to her financial accounts.
There is more:
“The intruders discovered my Skype account handle, stole the password, activated the audio, and made heavy use of it, presumably as a listening tool,” she wrote in “Stonewalled: My Fight for Truth Against the Forces of Obstruction, Intimidation, and Harassment in Obama’s Washington.”
The three letter alphabet agencies. Pick your poison, I’d suppose..
Again, people should put their 20th century antiquated political beliefs behind us. Right vs left is so 2000 and late.
A week of the witch
Reviewed by Bryan
7:58:00 AM
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